Maximize asset performance with the IPCOS process control tools
INCATools, by IPCOS, is a set of process control tools that optimize your plant operations. The suite contains the most powerful PID tuning tools on the market and powerful MPC and softsensing tools used in many processes around the world
The tools to help operation managers and control engineers meet their targets
Build by process control engineers from IPCOS for engineers in the industry. INCATOOLS has all you need to tune ALL your loops (also the difficult ones). When done INCATOOLS has all the tools to build a complete MPC system from scratch and maintain it for many years.
Do it yourself or let IPCOS assist you.
PID tuning tool for tuning all PID loops on all common DCS and PLC systems. Based on engineering specifications (tracking or disturbance rejection performance). For tuning individual and interacting PID loops.
MPC Model based predictive control
A popular MPC and softsensor tool used in the (Petro)chemical, fertilizer, power, waste and cement industry around the world. Flexible licensing models.
A powerfull softsensor (inferential) toolkit. Used to estimate in real time properties like: concentrations, MFR, MI, viscosity, but also emissions, mass flows, etc.
Stabilize your plant as the first step towards full optimization
Tuning the PID loops is the first step towards an optimized plant and while tuning individual loops might be challenging, tuning interactive loops is considered an art. With AptiTune your turn the art into science, making it possible for every control engineer to deal with interacting loop

PID Tuning for Gas Processing facility Al-Khafji Joint Operations (KJO) in Saudi Arabia

Reduce emissions with better control
A MPC controller has not only the potential to reduce energy consumption and/or maximize production, but also it will have an important impact on the operation of the unit from an environmental point of view.

Reduction of CO2 emissions by implementing MPC in an ammonia plant
Increase plant throughput
INCATools MPC has showed to be very powerfull in boosting the throughput of an urea plant with 3%. Combining it with a RTO module increase the throughput even further towards 4% and more.

Optimizing Urea Production at OCI NItrogen

End-to-end value
Reduction of CO2 emissions by implementing MPC in an ammonia plant.
Reduction of CO2 emissions by implementing MPC in an ammonia plant.
Reduction of CO2 emissions by implementing MPC in an ammonia plant.
Reduction of CO2 emissions by implementing MPC in an ammonia plant.
Other services

PID Control & Tuning
Optimal base layer control starts with a good control design. Then tune all the PID loops such that every single loop in your plant is in auto mode and keeps all your process parameters at the desired setpoint 24/7.

Advanced Process Control
APC systems maintain your operation at the optimal operating point. APC improves product yield, maximizes throughput, increases your plant’s efficiency under varying feedstock quality and operating conditions.

Soft Sensing
Models based on historical data convert measurements such as temperature, pressure and flow rate to predict variations in production qualities. Softsensor output are used in control to optimize production.

Performance Monitoring
Stay ahead of the competition with minute-by-minute plant performance insights—anytime, anywhere
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